Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Combating CyberBullying in My Classroom

 The effects of cyberbullying infiltrate the lives of teens on both mental and physical health levels. That is why I chose these two websites to share. The first of which is TeenHealth. I thought it would be effective to discuss not only bullying with my class, but bullies. I thought it would be interesting to spend time with my class on intrapersonal reflection, getting them to think about what attributes they possessed  that would be considered "bully-like tendencies," and focusing the classes' attention on come of the other statistics linked to the effects of being a bully, such as the increased probability of incarceration by the age of thirty noted by the site's author. The site also focuses on the importance of good mental and physical health. If we ever want to have successful schools, we need successful students, and that cannot happen until we begin to take measures to make students more safe in their learning environment.
The second site I would like to share with my students would be 360onBullying which speaks on the importance of connecting the effects of bullying to real life events and news. We can talk students ears off about how they shouldn't bully, but if anything will render change in their behavior, it will be watching news interviews with family members such as those of Tyler Clementi as they mourn the loss of a son due to cyberbullying. Our focus should be on shaping the way children think about the implications of their words and behaviors rather than focus on shaping specific behaviors.


  1. I like the idea of not only discussing with your class the subject of bullying, but discussing with the bullies as well. Sometimes these "bullies" are in your class and while you don't want to call them out, it is good to have these kind of discussions where they are included. Discussing bully-like tendencies is good too, sometimes kids don't know what to look for and don't realize they are being bullied.

  2. I enjoyed the sites about bullying. Everyone needs to let children know and understand the seriousness of bullying. Anything we can do to stop bullying is a plus because it has really gotten extremely bad. Our children are being killed and are killing themselves because of bullying in schools and in cyberspace.

  3. I really enjoyed this website about bullying. It helps me better understand why bullies do what they do. We should also teach the students that it isn't ok to be bullied at anytime.
